4/30/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- Someone swiped a red carpet from a film festival in Salem, Oregon. The odds that it's being used as a welcome mat in a mobile home park are pretty good.
- America's pork producers would appreciate it if you didn't refer to it as "Swine Flu."
- Matt Giraud, thanks for playing, but you're gone!
4/29/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- It's a bird, it's a plane. Nope, it's just "Shadow Hare."
- Another star is gone from "Dancing with the Stars." Chuck Wicks, thanks for playing.
- If you missed the closing credits on "The Simpsons" Sunday night, you missed a very cool acapella version of the show's theme song performed by the group "Canvas." Fear not, click below and enjoy.
4/28/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- Rumors of Jay Leno's demise have been greatly exaggerated. BTW, Happy Birthday, Jay. He's 59 today!
- The next time you eat in a restaurant, check your bill carefully. You may get sticker shock when you see what they are charging for these days.
4/27/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- A woman in Switzerland was fired from her job after she called in ill, but was caught surfing on Facebook. The woman claimed she couldn't work in front of a computer on that day, but comapnay officials, monitoring her Facebook account, caught her updating her page and answering e-mail. George Orwell had no idea how big "big brother" could be.
- Some new inovations in cars include solar panels, blind spot monitors, sleep alarms and a device that limits your teenagers speed to 80mph tops. In my day, we called that a Chevette.
- Is the outbreak of Swine Flu a major concern or will it fizzle out? It's too soon to tell.
4/24/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- ABC has ordered the renewal of 12 shows including Grey's Anatomy, Dancing With the Stars, Ugly Betty and Private Practice. Castle is still on the bubble.
- If you want to print your Six Flags ticket on line, beware the $5 surcharge.
- The first lady says the first dog is quite a char, acter. Or, does she have him confused with Joe Biden?
4/23/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- In a recent survey, 50% of drivers admitted they speed, honk their horns and yell at other drivers. How come 100% of that 50% is on the road when I am?
- Buying a new fridge? Here's some smart shopping tips for a cool, new unit (sorry, I couldn't resist!)
- Last night on "American Idol", it was buh bye for Lil and Anoop.
4/22/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- California Gove, rnor Arnold Schwarzenegger has agreed to appear in a "Terminator" prequil movie, kind of. The computer guys at Industrial Light and Magic will use his image from 1984 and the gubernator will simply cut a few updated voice tracks.
- NFL Hall of Famer Lawrence Taylor may have been a stud on the gridiron, but he's not a dancer. Last night, LT was bounced from "Dancing With The Stars."
4/21/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- A man in New Jersey stole a total of $186 by pretending to be a waiter. He would go up to a table at a restaurant and ask if the table was ready to pay yet, take their money and leave the restaurant. That's why you should always pay the person that serves yo, u.
- A woman in Milwaukee was arrested after hitting four squad cars in a parking lot. She was charged with DUI.
- It didn't take long for the first pooch to get a book deal. Bo, the Obama's new dog, will make $5 million to share his story. That's a lot of milk bones for a dog who has only been in office for a week.
- Do you think you make a good grilled cheese sandwich? Then you need to enter the 1st 7th Annual Grilled Cheese Invitational in LA this weekend.
4/20/09-Here's what we , talked about this morning:
- There's a new Miss USA this morning. Miss North Carolina took the prize last night in Vegas.
- A woman in England got in some hot water when she became a little too loud during intimate encounters with her husband. There were over 25 complaints. You know the old saying: Those who can do, those who can't, complain to the cops.
- There's a TV movie being planned to dramatize the 2008 election between Barack Obama and John McCain. No one has been cast for the lead roles yet. I nominate Clint Eastwood as Mccain and Jamie Foxx (who was terrific as Ray Charles) as Obama. If you have casting ideas, including the roles of Joe Biden and Sarah Palin, please email me and I'll share them on the air.
- WEB BONUS CO, NTENT: If you watch any sci-fi shows, you've heard about alternate time lines and what would happen if something would have changed history altering the time line as we know it. Imagine for a moment, that the Apollo 11 astronauts got stuck on the moon. Here's the speech then President Richard Nixon would have given.
4/17/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- A bakery in Florida has created a "divorce cake" which looks like a wedding cake but has a cake topper more fitting for a divorce. I would imagine it tastes a lot more bitter, too. In fact, it's probably only available in lemon!
- Have you heard about Susan Boyle? She's a 47 year old Scottish woman who blew Simon away on the auditions for "Britian's Got Talent", the UK version of "American Idol. If you haven't heard this amazing woman sing, click here.
- Hurry and get your limited edition Barack Obama and Michelle Obama action figures. You can order them here while supplies last or until they get reduced to the status of a "Sham-Wow" or "Mighty Putti."
- What's the number one song played at funerals? "My Way" by Frank Sinatra.
4/16/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- A man in Texas got a ticket and must go to court because he used profanity in front of his neighbor. The word in question has to do with what the neighbor's cat left on his lawn.
- A couple in Oxford is in trouble after th, ey created a bogus law firm to mail their son packages in jail. Packages mailed from law firms cannot be opened by prison personnel due to confidentiality issues.
- Here's yet another attempt by a city to take your money: In Milwaukee, if you are selling your car and your car is on public property, you must first take out a $40 permit. If you do not get a permit, your car will be towed. What's next? A tax on oxygen?
4/15/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- A Nurse at a Wisconsin hospital was informed that she was being layed off. In the middle of surgery.
- What were the top TV shows of the 80's. Here's what AOL thinks.
- Finally, Steve-O gets the boot from "Dancing With The Stars."
4/14/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- What's the latest attention seeking device among pre-teens? How about smoking Smarties?
- If you've ever wanted to drive a Zamboni, here's your chance.
- WEB BONUS CONTENT: I love to wear my sweatpants on the weekend and after work. I know a lot of people that do. Some people take it way too seriously. I should point out that sweatpants as casual wear are where jeans were in the early 70's. Back then, jeans were only for weekends and bumming around the house. Now, kids wear jeans to school and people who work in offices wear them to work. There's a whole generation of people confounded by that. My Dad, who is 85, has never owned a pair of blue jeans in his life and says that they are low class.
4/13/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- What are the food police up to next? How about taxing soda pop? The health commissioner of New York City wants to add a "sin" tax of $.1 per ounce to soda pop because he thinks it's as bad for you as cigarettes. Gee, when was the last time you heard of someone dying from lung cancer from drinking Diet Pepsi? It seems like in these economic times, governments will invent any excuse to tax you.
- A couple tried to get on a last minute flight to see the woman's dying mother when they were refused ticketing by an airline employee who announced she had to take her break. The couple wound up taking a later flight and arriving at their destination after the woman's mother had passed away.
- The Obamas are now the proud owner of a six month old Portuguese Water Dog named "Bo." Now when the media asks the President about his economic plan, , he can say "my dog ate it!"
4/10/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- If you get an e-mail inviting you attend "Oprah's Millionaire Show", we have some bad news. It's as real as the fights on "The Jerry Springer Show" or the characters on "General Hospital."
- A new SUV designed by Honda features a fold down ramp and mesh restraints for pets. One of our dogs, Murphy loves to ride in the car and he's very happy to hear about this.
- Never afraid to do something wacky, PETA has asked the Pet Shop Boys to change their name so people know how bad pet stores are. The boys polietly declined.
4/9/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- If you are a fan of several shows canceled by ABC that didn't reach their conclusion, you'll get your closure this summer. ABC will air the shows, including "Pushing Daisies", "Eli Stone" and "Dirty, Sexy Money" on Saturday nights at 9 beginning May 30. Fox will air the final episodes of "Prison Break" later this month, with the show set to wrap in May.
- Need an excuse for being late to work? Try some of these.
4/8/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- The combination of Good Friday and Passover may hurt sandwich sales at the Brewers home opener on Friday. Of course, there is always beer.
- Chia Obama has been pulled from the shelves at Walgreens in Tampa. Tampa was a test market for the new Chia pet. Walgreen's says they decided it wasn't appropriate for sale.
- David Alan Grier got shown the door on "Dancing with the Stars" last night, but somehow, Steve-O dances on.
4/7/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- Last night on House, one of the story arcs had to do with,
. In reality, Penn asked to leave the show so he could accept a position in the White House Public Relations office. I wonder who's a better boss, House or Barack Obama?th, e suicide of Dr. Kutner, played by Kal Penn - There's a new comic book which follows the adventures of "Barack the Barbarian, President of Kickassistan." Also featured will be the Clintons, former President Bush and former Vice President Dick Chaney. Back in my day, we just had Archie and Jughead.
- Did Coldplay plagiarize Joe Satriani's song "If I Could Fly" with their hit "Viva La Vida?" Click here and judge for yourself.
4/6/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- Where's the worst hair in the US? A recent survey by the website truebeauty.com says it's in Pittsburgh. Must be all those mullets.
- If you love the taste of "Peeps" without the calories, try some new Peeps Lip Balm.
- The newest set of stamps being issued by the post office honors the great American family The Simpsons. The stamps will be available on line on Thursday and will be on sale beginning in mid-April. They cost $.44 a piece. DOH!
4/3/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- Looking for a new pair of jeans? Here's a pair that costs $595. That's almost $300 a leg!
- Jeff Dunham is one of my absolute favorite comedians. And now, he'll be on Comedy Central a lot! He's just signed a big, new contract with Comedy Central which includes even more specials (like the one he shot in Milwaukee) and some multi-platform projects. For those of you who don't know him, he's a ventriloquist featuring such characters as Walter (a grumpy old man who , reminds me of my dad and Princess of me), Achmed, the dead terrorist, Peanut and Jose JalapeƱo (on a stick).
4/2/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- CBS has pulled the plug on the longest running drama in TV history, "The Guiding Light." The final episode will air on September 18th.
- President Obama had an audience with the Queen of England yesterday and presented her with a gift: An I-Pod. Now I know the President is supposed to be a really smart guy, but apparently he's not smart enough to realize that you shouldn't give an elderly person th, e gift of technology. My mother still calls me three times a week to help me with her TIVO!
- There was little Joy for Megan as she got booted off "American Idol" last night.
4/1/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- What goes around comes around. An IRS agent plead guilty to filing a false tax return. He'll be sentenced to three years of harrassing himself.
- A town in New York is tr, ying to get rid of weeds in a forest preserve. They've brought in five goats to do the work. After they are done with the forest preserve, I'm thinking they can come over and do my lawn.
- Two more celebrities get the big boot from "Dancing With The Stars". Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak was sent packing along with Playboy Playmate Holly Madison.