About The Lake 98.1 Morning Show

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Mobile, Alabama, United States
Chip Ramsey is the former host of the Lake 98.1 morning show
Over the course of his almost five years at Lake 98.1, Chip wrote a daily blog. This is an archive of those blogs.
Chip is now Program Director of WNSP, Mobile, AL

Friday, February 12, 2010

03/09 Archive

3/31/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

  • Every year fans of the NBC show "Friday Night Lights" worry about their favorite show getting canceled. Well, no more.NBC announced that the show is sticking around until at least 2011.
  • Two grannies are doing their part to take a bite out of crime. One is being sued after shooting her alleged mugger. The other, an 84 year-old Japanese woman pinned the arms of a 22 year-old robber while her granddaughter called police.
  • On "Dancing With Stars last night, it was the Tango and the Lindy Hop. Tonight two couples are shown the door.

  • 3/30/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

    • A new British survey says men with a full head of hair are more attractive to women then us follically-challenged types. Since baldness is caused by having too much testosterone, I prefer being a baldy. Besides, you can never have too much testosterone.&n, bsp;,
    • Our favorite TV pitchman Vince the Sham-Wow guy is in a bit of hot water after being charged with beating up a working girl in his hotel room. No telling how he will clean up this mess.
    • A woman in Texas was handcuffed and led away from a Wal-Mart after she used the "f word" in a local Wal-Mart. She said it in a private conversation to her mother. You know, people that use that kind of language around their mother probably deserve to be arrested. Or at least have their mouths washed out with soap!

    3/27/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

    3/26/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

    • A man in Tennessee was arrested after attempting to buy beer in the buff. No shirt, no shoes, no jockey shorts, no service.
    • AOL.com has come up with a list of the top 50 TV dramas of all time. #1 on the list is "The Sopranos". There are some shows in my opinion that got shafted. "Perry Mason" is only #36. "The Fugitive", which in my opinion is the best TV drama of all time, was only #18. And, "The Twilight Zone" wasn't even on the list. Meanwhile, "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" was #26. Ugh.
    • If you always wanted to ask the President of the United States a question, you can this morning. President Obama is holding an online town meeting this morning at 10:30 CDT. Here's where to ask your question.
    • If you are going to anything illegal, don, 't put it on Youtube. A man in England found that out when he posted a video of him drag racing and received a ticket.

    3/25/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

    3/24/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

    • A 65 year-old man has completed a world's record by running 52 marathons in 52 days. And you wince when you have to walk to the end of the driveway to get the mail.
    • A truck carrying soy sauce overturned on I-5 in Por, tland, OR during rush hour and forced the highway to be closed for a couple of hours. I'd say something snide about the truck driver, but I don't like to Kikoman when he's down.
    • I got a nice e-mail from a listener regarding the movement to stop the governor from recinding Wisconsin's breaks for movies shot in this state. Many Wisconsin actors like Jane Kaczmarek, Bradley Whitford and Tony Schloub are trying to persuade the governor to change his mind. Our listener, Dawn says "I recently worked on Feed the Fish, another independent film that was shot in Door County by Michael Matzdorff (writer/director). This is the film Tony Shalhoub is involved in and this issue was near & dear to us working on the crew as well. We appreciate ANY talk about this program because it is SO beneficial for the Wisconsin Film Industry!" Thanks for the e-mail, Dawn!

    3/23/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

    3/20/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

    • A former police officer in England was fined $223 for going ten miles over the speed limit on his motorcycle. His excuse? A sneezing fit.
    • There's a new Disney store with some pretty edgy stuff.
    • President Obama was a guest last night with Jay Leno. He talked about the economy.
    • The President's ne, ws conference scheduled for Tuesday night has scrambled prime time programming. "American Idol" will now be seen Wednesday and Thursday while "Without a Trace" and "Law & Order SVU" won't be seen at all. "Dancing with the Stars" will air as scheduled at 8pm.

    3/19/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

    • A man in California tried to register his car at the DMV. Unfortunately for him, it was a stolen car. And he was caught. And sent to jail.
    • Sad news as actress Natasha Richardson has died from injuries sustained in a skiing accident.
    • Another contestant was voted off of "American Idol" last night. Alexis Grace, thanks for playing.
    • Today is the first day , , , of the NCAA Men's basketball tournament with sixteen games scheduled beginning this morning at 11:10. You will no doubt notice many of your co-workers leaving for a five hour lunch around 10:45. And if you are looking for a way to get out of work today, here are some ideas.

    3/18/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

    3/17/09-Here's what we talked about this morning.

    • Happy St. Patty's day. St. Patrick is famous for driving the snakes out of Ireland. Now if he could reappear and drive the snakes out of Madison.
    • The Queen of England had a valuable new carpet ruined when the wheel fell off a beverage cart, toppling over tea and coffee. Where's Vince when you need him?
    • Jay Leno landed a pretty big name for his show on Thursday night: President Barack Obama.
    • Last night's big winners on "Dancing with the Stars"? Gilles and Cheryl.

    3/16/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

    3/15/09-In honor of St. Patrick's day and because Princess is addicted to Rueben sandwiches, I made my first corned beef. It won't scare the folks at Vienna Beef. but it came out pretty good. Ruebens for everyone!

    Princess and I also had breakfast with an old friend of mine who is back in the states for a little while from Afghanistan where he works for a civilian defense contractor. If you think your job is pain in the neck, you should hear about his!

    3/14/09-Happy Birthday to my daughter Jordan who turns 19 today. She is a freshman in college at St. Mary of the Woods in Indiana and currently is majoring in criminology. She's a great kid and her dad is very proud of her. He also feels very old today. VERY old!

    3/13/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

    • Congratulations to the Oostburg Girls basketball team who had,a heck of a season defending their championship of last year. Even though they lost four players from that team, the girls made it to the semi-finals where they lost Thursday to Cuba City. It's still a feel good story.
    • A man called the Sheriff in Minot, ND when he saw a moose on his roof. No word on whether or not the moose was hanging out with a flying squirrel.
    • The host of "The Daily Show" on Comedy Central Jon Stewart has been hammering Jim Cramer from CNBC for days over Cramer's accountability over the recent stock and bank failures. Last night, Stewart handed Cramer his assets.

    3/12/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

    3/11/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

    3/10/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

    3/9/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

    • Maybe yesterday's rain/ice/snow storm was the result of us moving the clocks ahead Saturday night for Daylight Saving Time. Ever wonder why we do that? Here's why.
    • A man in Canada was ordered to tear down a snow fort he built in the back yard of his apartment complex because it was a fire hazard. No, I'm not making this up.
    • A drive thro, ugh worker in Peoria, IL got a face full of McGriddle when an angry customer hurled the sandwich in her face after his order was not prepared to his lik, ing. Bluto and Professor Fate sought for questioning.

    3/6/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

    3/5/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

    3/4/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

    3/3/09-Here's wh, at we talked about this morning:

    • A woman in Janesville found a cell phone in her bag of potato chips. She says she will never eat potato chips out of a bag again, but rather pour them into a bowl first.
    • Looking to downsize your vehicle? Here's a list of the most reliable pre-owned small cars.
    • If you are planning on visiting Circuit City before they go out of business, you have until Sunday.
    • Jimmy Fallon debuted his new late night show last night to mixed reviews. The comment seen most from reviewers was that he appeared nervous, but I just think that's his personality. I think you need to judge him over time, not on opening night.<, /DIV>
    • The man who invented t-ball, Wisconsin native Jerry Sacharski, has passed away at the age of 93.
    • WEB BONUS CONTENT: ABC has pulled the plug on "Life on Mars" which will conclude it's run April, 1. If you've been watching the show (and apparently few people have) you hope that they'll at least tell you why Sam Tyler was sent back to 1973. I thought it was a good show, but it would have been better servered being on the Sci-FI network rather than over the air broadcast TV.

    3/2/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

    3/1/09-I'm truly saddened this morning by the news that Paul Harvey has passed away at the age of 90. When I first started in this business, a co-worked suggested that I listen to Paul Harvey to learn some basic vocal skills like enunciation and articulation. No matter what you thought of his politics, Paul Harvey was a master broadcaster who was a beloved and gigantic icon in broadcasting. He will be missed by all of those who appreciated and admired his talent.