1/31/09-I am pleased to announce I baked my first carrot cake (from scratch!) today and it came out great! I love carrot cake and now I can enjoy it anytime I want. Here's the recipe I used. I know that baking a carrot cake might not be a big deal to yo, u, but no one in my family bakes, so I am learning. And I did it without a box! I also made some awesome blue cheese/bacon mashed potatoes. Here's the recipe I used for that.
1/30/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- If you plan on attending the big game Sunday, here's how you can tell if your tickets are legit.
- Need some extra ca$h? Try one of the almost 200 big game proposition bets.
- Who are the Prez and the Veep rooting for in Sunday's big game? It's not Arizona.
- The Boss promises a lively halftime show at Sunday's big game.
- WEB BONUS MATERIAL: Something to serve at your big game party. Try this, too. You can wash it down with this.
1/29/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- If you plan on buying a new TV for the big game, don't waste money on a 1080p set. That's because the big game will be broadcast in 1080i. A set that give you 1080i and 720p should suffice for now.
- What are the top ten best fast food chains according to consumers? The top one is California's In and Out Burger, a chain I've heard of but never been to. If you've been there and want to tell me about it, please send me an e-mail.
- If President Obama puts his hand on your back, watch out. You've ticked him off.
- How do you get your cows to be more productive? Name them.
- If you think there are less , Girl Scout cookies in your box, you are correct. The number was reduced this year because of rising costs.
1/28/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- If you still have a Polorid camera, you'll be pleased to know that there will still be film available for it.
- Who says chefs are wimpy guys? In the Milwaukee suburbs, a would be robber was subdued by a chef with a metal kitchen spoon. BAM!
- A sixteen year-old girl is in jail after threatening her parents with knives (yes, knives!) after they took her cell phone away from here. Suffice to say, the paretns probably will no longer be part of her five.
1/27/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- If you haven't gone out and purchased one of those digital TV boxes to replace your rabbit ears, you may not have to hurry. Congress, at the suggestion of President Obama, is probably going to vote to delay digital only TV until June. Radio, by the way, will remain the same. If you feel compelled to buy something to enhance your radio broadcasts, please send your local morning show host a cash gift.
- Gene Roddenberry is about to get some company.
- That didn't take long. The most tech savvy adminsitration in history has blown up the White House e-mail system in less than a week.
1/26/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- Number one at the box office (again) this weekend: "Paul Blart, Mall Cop." The rest of the top five: "Underworld: Rise of the Lycans"; "Gran Torino"; "Hotel for Dogs" and "Slumdog Millionaire."
- Being President of the United States may be a cool job, but it sure screws up your social life. It's hard to go out for a quiet dinner with all that security around.
1/24/09-Normally, baking and ca, ke making is way out of my cullinary realm, but today I tried something and I'm glad I did: Crock Pot hot fudge cake. Man, did it come out good.
1/23/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- Business travelers may be getting less perks from hotel/motel chains due to the recession. Things like free shampoo and coffee may be cut back or cut out. That will make our company President grumpy.
- The sandwich war rages on between Domino's and Subway. Subway claims the testing Domino's did is unfair based on the composition of the Subway snadwiches used in the testing and sent Domino's a letter asking them to cease their commercials. Domino's CEO responded by baking the letter in a pizza oven.
- If you are planing on having chicken wings on your menu for the big game next weekend, you may have to change your plans. It seems there may be a shortage of wings.
- Here's a list of this year's Oscar nominees. Here's a list of some who might have been snubbed.
1/22/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- President Obama may not get to use his Blackberry, but he is getting a snazzy new start phone, priced at over , $3,300. Unfortunately, he won't get to IM anybody.
- Just to make sure all the i's are dotted and the t's are crossed, the President retook the oath of office yesterday just in case Justice Roberts' fum, bli, ng of it meant he wasn't realy President.
- The President's speech on Tuesday set records for internet use as many of you watched it on the web. Thanks to all of you who hooked up with wlkn.com.
- ER fans will get one more chance to see Dr. Doug Ross. George Clooney has agreed to appear on the show, which ends its' fifteen year run on April 2nd.
- WEB ONLY CONTENT: The Chicago White Sox are taking full advantage of their most important fan's allegiance. BTW, since the inaguaration, the sales of White Sox hats has been through the roof. It looks like the President could use a new one himself.
1/21/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- Barack Obama is the 44th president of the U.S. joining some other famous 44's.
- A man in Austrailia failed a breath test but not because of alcohol. It was because of ice cream. As much as I love Rum Raisin ice cream, I'll take this as a sign from the almighty.
- Need some more "BAM!" in your life. If you can't get enough of Chef Emeril Lagasse on Emeril Live, the Essence of Emeril and Emeril Green, you can also see him as a judge on Bravo's Top Chef, from New Orleans on February 18th.
1/20/09-Inauguration notes-I'm watching online here at WLKN.com and recording my thoughts:
- What the heck does Aretha Franklin have on her head?
- The speech was well executed, but kind of somber and lacking in sound bytes. Great message though.
- ABC is reporting Teddy Kennedy collapsed at the luncheon.
- Harry Reid just made the lamest toast ever in honor of the VP.
- President Obama is somber as he gives his remarks as he is great friends with Senator Kennedy.
- The President and Vice-President are getting some crystal bowl as a gift. You know, with all the probelms in this country, couldn't they have skipped the luncheon, gone through the Mickey D's drive through and started waork a, t 2pm?,
- Boy, if this parade moved any slower, it would be stopped!
- The Obamas are getting out of the car!
- Jesse Jackson joins ABC and talks about the civil rights movement and what this day means.
- ABC reports that Ted Kennedy's son Patrick says his dad is okay, just tired and resting comfortably in the hospital.
- Luci Johnson, daughter of former President Lyndon Johnson, joins ABC news and talks about life in the white house. She says her first secret service agent told her if she slipped him, he would lose his job and then his two year-old daughter would have an out of work daddy.
- She also adds that her father appreciated the fact that secret service agents had to follow his teenage daughter everywhere.
- The parade moves on. And on. And on.
- CNN has a panel that says that if President Obama can walk the walk, he may go down in history as , an all-time great.
- Pat Buchannan is all fired up on MSNBC. That's enough of that.
- CNN has a fashion guy on talking about Michelle's dress, saying it was a "bit five o'clock." I think the networks have finally run out of things to cover.
- There's Michelle at the bal, l. The CNN fashion dude is disappointed she isn't wearing a halter dress.
- CBS has an excellent program on with Katie Couric. The President pays emotional homage to his mother who raised him and says that without her, he wouldn't be where he is. He also says the odds of him becoming President based on his background were unbelievably slim, but somehow, it happened.
- A ten-year old boy from Oklahoma got a VIP pass from his congressman to attend the ceremony. He came by himself and is very inspired by the new President.
- Katie is interviewing the wife of wife of slain civil rights leader Medgar Evers. Very emotional. Mrs. Evers knows her husband and Dr. King are "shooting off fireworks tonight."
- President Obama says his girls are off limits to the media. Any violating that directive will incur his wrath. Well played, Mr. President.
- I better get to bed. It's almost 9pm!
- Don't expect to see a Mayflower truck with Texas plates outside the White House today. That's because the Bush family has been moving their stuff home since June. I do wonder if the neighbors will be looking through the windows grading the Obama's furniture.
- In honor of the inauguration, Ben & Jerry's has come up with a cool new flavor called "Yes, Pecan". It's really butter pecan, which I will buy by the gallon since it is one of my favorite flavors of ice cream. It may actually compete with Hagan Daz coffee and rum raisin as my favorite.
- A teen in Florida is in jail after assulting his mom with a taco. He was upstairs playing X-box when his mom called him to dinner when she called him to dinner. When he didn't come, she went upstairs and unplugged the game. He came downstairs, swore at her and threw a taco at her. She, in turn, called the cops. This is an example of exceptional parenting and mom deserves not only an award but free dry cle, aning.
- In an effort to sound more Italian for a mafia sting operation, the FBI turned not to Tony Soprano but to TV chefs Giada De Laurentiis and Mario Batali. This is great, especially if the don in question was named Mescapone, Ricotta or
1/19/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- Here's proof that UPS will deliver anything. I'd like to see that long haired dude on TV do a whiteboard demo,
on this one. - Tops at the box office this weekend: Paul Blart, Mall Cop.
- Sad news fom Hollywood. Bob May, one of the stars of "Lost in Space" has passed away at the age of 69. He was the guy inside the robot suit. The robot's voice was played by Dick Tufeld.
- If you plan on following the inauguration tomorrow, here's your schedule of events. You can follow tomorow's historical events on line right here at WLKN.com
1/17/09-I got dragged to an outlet mall today. While Princess was trying on clothes, I went to the kitchen store (I love gadgets!) and purchased a Big City Slider Station. It's pretty good if you like very small burgers. And to think, I could have had a sham wow, too!
1/, 16, /09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- Cold enough for you? Remember this in July. My only regret about this cold weather is that Al Gore isn't here to experience it with us.
- The crew that landed the US Airways plane in the Hudson River yesterday are true heroes. Did you know the co-pilot is from Wisconsin?
- A former Georgia lawmaker had his water shut off for not paying the outstanding balance on his bill---$2.36. At least he had the clout and connections to get it turned back on quickly.
1/15/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- Sad news from Holly, wood as two fairly famous names have left us. First, Patrick McGoohan, famous for his work in the 60's show "The Prisoner" passed away at 80. Also Ricardo Montalban has passed away at 88. Montalban was featured in several shows in the sixties and seventies, including "Fantasy Island." He's also well know for playing Captain Kirk's mortal enemy "Kahn" in "Star Trek TOS" and the movie "Star Trek II, the Wrath of Kahn." Because of his dark features and complexion Montalban played a lot of Indians on many 60's westerns. Plus, who could ever forget this:
1/14/09-Here's what we talked abou, t this morning:
- There may be a remake of the movie "The Karate Kid", starring Jackie Chan and Will Smith's son, Jaden. Wax on, wax off.
- There may be some issues using Vick's Vapo Rub with kids. Personally, I love the stuff and I remember my mom using it on me when I was a kid. I guess that explains a lot, huh?
- A man and his father decided to cut in line at a Walmart in Indiana and were stopped by an off duty cop. They are now cooling their heels in the local crossbar Hilton. I wish an off duty cop would be available at the twenty items or less line.
1/13/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- The National Safety Council wants to ban talking on cell phones while driving because you have a good chance of being in an accident while you are yacking. I'm a firm believer that wearing a headset should be madatory for those who must talk and drive. And don't get me started on people who drive and text message or check their e-mail.
- There are hardly any beds left in the NBC infirmary. "Deal or No Deal" host Howie Mandel has been hospitized in Canada with an irregular heart beat. Mariska Hargitay from "Law & Order SVU" has a punctured lung. No truth the rumor that Alec Baldwin from "30 Rock" is suffering from an over inflated ego.
- Barach Obama has assembled a huge lineup of talent for Sunday's "We Are One: The Obama Inaugural Celebration at the Lincoln Memorial,". Included in the musical acts:,
Beyonce, Bono, Bruce Springsteen, Stevie Wonder, Garth Brooks, Josh Grobin, John Mellencamp and Usher. Among the passage readers Queen Latifah and Denzel Washington. Unfortunately, the only place to watch it is on HBO and if you are like me and don't have HBO, you'll have to wait until it comes out on DVD. Maybe the participants can stick around until Monday to enjoy the Inagural cheesecake (mmmm cheeesecake).
1/12/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- Number One at the box office this weekend was Clint Eastwood's Gran Torino. Eastwood is amazing, still popular as a leading man at the age of 78. I've enjoyed most of what he's done including "Rawhide", his western movies and of course all of the "Dirty Harry" movies. My favorite Eastwood flick is "The Gauntlet." The only Eastwood films I haven't liked are "Every Which Way but Loose" and "The Bridges of Madison,
County." - Tina Fey and "30 Rock" were the big winners at the Golden Globe awards last night.
- The Obama family is close to picking a dog-elect. The choice has been narrowed down to a labradoodle or a Portuguese water hound. Our Bichon Frise Murphy A. Dogg and Bichon Poo Butkus D. Dogg are disappointed that their breeds weren't considered, even though neither on, e sheds and would be perfect for Malia Obama who has allergies.
1/11/09-If before the season, you picked the Philadelphia Eagles and the Arizona Cardinals to play for the NFC championship, I'd like you to accompany me to Vegas. Or to pick my powerball numbers.
1/9/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- Former star of "Cosby" and "A Different World" Lisa Bonet and significant other Jasa Momoa have had their second child. The child's name? Nakoka Wolf Manakauapo Namakaha Momoa. Here's a kid who will have to learn how to fight at an early age.
behind? Or the J.G. Wentworth opera chorus? - It's going to be interesting having a tech savvy guy like Barach Obama as president. First, he wants to roll back the deadline to get one of those converter do hickies for your TV. Second, he's at odds with his staff over whether or not he has to give up his Blackberry while President. Any e-mails he gets on it while in office count as correspondence and will have to be impounded for the national archives. I don't think people want to read things like: Hey, Prez. AFAICS BFF Burris is 2G2B4G. ^urs. LOL. CULA, Blago. For a translation, , click here.
1/8/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- Talk about bad bosses. You may recall the story about the pizza place in Lacey, Washington where the owner didn't want to use the heat and the employees were forced to work in 25 degree temperatures. He's now fired the employee that went public with the story. This is a lawsuit or a board of health inspection away from being really interesting.
- I'm all for ce, lebrity chefs making extra money (Rachel's talk show, Alton hawking grape juice, Emeril selling toothpaste, Paula selling sausage) but Bobby Flay as the host of a men's talk show? I think the envelope has been pushed a bit too far. What's next? Haircare tips with Guy Fieri?
- Do you like to eat angry? B, urger King has a burger for you!
1/7/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- If you were planning on attending the annual dog sled race in Frazee, Minnesota, you'll have to change your plans. The race has been called off due to too much snow.
- Barach Obama will be riding in stylein his new presidential limo. His new ride is so tough it can withstand getting hit by an asteroid. I wonder what the MPG on it is?
- Can't everybody leave well enough alone? There may be a Gilligan's Island movie with Michael Cera as Gilligan and Byonce as Ginger. Here's some other casting ideas from yours truly: John,
Goodman as the Skipper, Valerie Bertinelli as Mary Ann, Angela Lansbury as Mrs. Howell, Robert Vaughn as Mr. Howell and William Hurt as the Professor. If you have any casting ideas, please e-mail them to me. - WEB BONUS: Wacky Street Names (Rated PG-13 possibly NSFW)
1/6/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- Saturday Night Live returns with new shows this weekend. Neil Patrick Harris (a.k.a. Doogie Houser) will host. Taylor Swift provides the musical entertainment. Also on TV, William Shatner interviews Leonard Nimoy tonight on "Sh, atner's Raw Ner, ve" which airs on the Biography channel.
- There's a new Senator from Minnesota and it's Al Franken. Because he's good enough, he's smart enough and gosh darn it, more people voted for him.
- A woman in Britain was shocked when she was carded when attempting to purchase whiskey flavored cheddar cheese. The reason the middle aged get carded is because someone's lawyers have told them to card everyone, regardless of age. Just another reason to dislike lawyers, I suppose.
1/5/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- If you slide off the road in Dodge county, it's going to cost you.
- The most literate city in America? That would be Minneapolis.
- If sneaking a smoke every so often is the worst thing Barack Obama does as president, puff away.
1/4/09-Somebody committed one of those unpardonable sins against me yesterday. I was at the grocery store and standing in the 20 items or less line. I had less than 20 items as I keep a running count as I shop. The person ahead of me must have flunked math because she had at least 27 items. Of course, if the cashier kicked her to the regular line, the store would lose a customer, so of course that didn't happen. But the woman did get the "Ramsey glare of death." Kids, 20 items or less means 20 items or less. If I ruled the world, people who took more than the limit to the express line would get ten years hard labor.
1/2/09-I am not safe in my own house. Alabama has lost the Sugar Bowl. Butkus and Murphy are hiding under the coffee table with their paws over their eyes waiting for Princess to calm down.
1/1/09-Happy New Year! We're making lasagna and watching football today. We hope 2009 is a fantastic year for you and and your family!