2/27/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- A British teen was fired from her job after she called it "boring" on her Facebook page. Someday people will learn that employers actually monitor those. It's a good thing my daughter's employers don't monitor her text messages.
- The President and his families have settled on a dog for the White House. Perhaps thanks to the involvement of Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, the Obamas are actively seeking a Portuguese Water Dog. Mayor Barrett and his family own one, and when they read the Obamas were considering one, wrote the President and his family a letter endorsing it highly. I still think the Obamas would have been happy with a Bichon Frise.
- Three more finalists make it through the gristmill known as American Idol.
2/26/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- Singer Jewel is scheduled to participate in the next incarnation of "Dancing With The Stars" provided she can get over the tendonitis in her left knee.
- An Indiana company will be producing cones for a pizza snack that is eaten in a cone. It's all the rage in several countries and coming to the U.S. soon.
- In Green Bay, there is a street called "Mullet Place." As you can imagine, people who revere the popular 80's style haircut keep stealing the street sign at a cost of $120 to the city. More on Mullets can be found here.
2/25/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- That Conan O'Brien-Andy Richter reunion Friday night was more than just two buddies getting together. Richter has accepted O'Brien's offer to be the announcer for Conan's version of the "Tonight Show", which begins June 1st. Richter previously served as Conan's announcer before leaving the show several years ago for a career in TV.&nb, sp; The fact that he's coming back to work for Conan should tell you how Richter faired.
- A British web site has been looking at strange British names. Included are unfortunate people named Terry Bull, Ray Gunn and Anne Arexic.
- You know that annoying Sham Wow commercial you see ten times a day on cable? There may be a couple of edits in it that may mislead you. However, a consumer based web site says the Sham Wow is a decent proudct.
2/24/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- A man in Missouri became so frustrated with his new digital TV converter box that he shot his TV. Alcohol figured into it (thanks, Captain Obvious!)
- Here's a list of some of the new DVD releases hitting stores today. If you haven't seen or heard of "Canterbury's Law", I highly recomend it.
- Everyone loves free food, right. In honor of National Pancake week, IHOP is offering free pancakes today until 10pm. Of course, you'll have to drive to Oshkosh, Milwaukee or Green Bay to get them. Unrelated to this, Quizno's is offering free sandwich coupons for those willing to sign up for their marketing database. I don't know if a free toasted sub is worth a lifetime of annoying e-mail.
2/23/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- Sad news. Socks Clinton, former first cat has passed away at the age of 20. Socks was put to sleep after a long battle against cancer. After leaving the White House, Socks lived with President Clinton's former secretary.
- Conan O'Brien bid farewell to his late night audience Friday night after 16 years of being on at 11:30. Highlights included a musical tribute from John Meyer, an appearance by former sidekick Andy Richter and the freeing of Abe Vigoda.
- The Oscars were held last night. The big winner? "Slumdog Millionaire" which came away w, ith eight statues. The two most moving moments of the evening came when Heath Ledger's family accepted his posthumous award for "the Dark Knight" and when Jerry Lewis was awarded the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award.
2/20/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- A Westfield woman had to call 911 to help rid her home of an angry goat. That's a bahhhad situation to be in.
- A couple of weird criminals are in the news this morning. First, the guy in Florida who was tryi, ng to escape after robbing a stop and shop and tripped on his baggy pants. Then, there was the woman in Kansas City who was saved from a bullett by a hair weave.
- Stevie Wonder will receive the Library of Congress award from the President and Mrs. Obama on February 25th.
2/19/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- An Indiana woman says yes, if the right guy came along, she'd marry him. Oh, did we mention she's been married 23 times?
- Dolly Parton will not be part of the new Hannah Montana mo, vie. She'll continue to play "Aunt Dolly" on TV, but her part didn't make the movie script.
- The Milwaukee Bucks basketball season has had their share of injuries this season with their top three players currently out of the lineup. Another Buck is on the injured list: Bango, the team mascot, who injured his kneee at the all-star game last Sunday.
2/18/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- What happens to 90's pop culture icons who eventually fall on hard times? They get reality shows, of course.
- GM will announce a reorganization plan today. If you own a Saturn or a Pontiac, hold on to it asit might soon become a collector's item.
- In just about everything you do on the web, there is an end user license agreement (EULA) that gives you the rules of the web sight you signed up for. Facebook recently changed their EULA to specify that they owned all the content on Facebook, including your pictures. End users were so outraged, Facebook had to change it back.
2/17/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- A woman in Korea is attempting to pass her driver's test...for the 772 time. No, her name is not Magoo.
- A group of atheists in Italy purchased a bus sign to declare that God doesn't exist. The bus promptly broke down. Who says God doesn't have a sense of humor?
- What are the top dog names in Wichita, Kansas? Buddy for males and Maggie for females. Max, Molly, Sadie, Daisy, Lucy, Sophie, Bailey and Jack round out the list. But no Butkus and no Murphy. The boys are sure to be disappointed.
- Most of these are common sense things, but here are 13 things you should steer clear of at work. My advice? Stay in your cube, do your job and socailize as little as possible. This is,
why I'm so popular everywhere I go (not.) - WEB BONUS MATERIAL: The top 10 songs to get your freak on by.
2/16/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- The company responsible for the peanut problems has filed for chapter 7 bankruptcy. Peanut Corporation of America wil now liquidate their assets. Does that mean they make peanut butter?
- The daddy of the taster, Jack Cover, has passed away at the age of 88. Shocking news to be sure.
- There is a plan to do an "A-Team" movie, although there not been any casting yet. Here are my ideas: Dennis Farina as Hannibal Smith; Jeffery Donovan as "Face"; Jim Carrey as "Howling Mad Murdoch" and Ice-T as "B.A. Barracus." If you have to cast the Robert Vaughn part (from later in the series), I'd probably go with Daniel Benzali. If you have some ideas,please e-mail them to me.
2/14/09-I hope you had a nice V.D. I made Princess dinner. Filet Mignon, twice baked potatos, mixed veggies and chocolate cake. In this economy, it's cheaper than going to a steakhouse.
- If you fly a lot, you may have some issues with pressure in your ears. Here's how to solve that problem.
- You'll be happy to know the Zorro Bandit has been captured.
- Yesterday, we told you about a local bank that, despite taking bailout money, was going to reward 100 employees with a trip to Puerto Rico. Public reaction was swift and so was the CEO's decision to cancel the trip.
2/12/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- If you are looking for a new job, beware the scammers. Here's the story of a woman who was asked to submit to specific credit report befroe receiving an application
- A local bank doesn't blink an eye about sending 100 employees to a resort in Puerto Rico. Isn't that how we got into this fix in the first place?
- Nicollette Sheridan is bailing on"Desperate Housewives." Coupled with the stories yesterday centered around the cast of "Grey's Anatomy" executives at ABC must be mucho nervous right now.
2/11/09-Here's what , we talked about this morning:
- We told you last week not to rush out and get a digital TV box for your TV that wasn't hooked up to either cable or the Internet because the roll out was being delayed until June 12th. Now comes word that many TV stations are going all digital as scheduled on February 17th.
- There's a new champion at the Westminster Dog Show. Stump, a ten year-old Sussex Spaniel was named top dog last night. At 10, he's the oldest dog ever to win best in show at Westminster. I enjoy watching the dog shows and seeing all the different br, eeds, but I usually quit watching when the Bichon Frise gets eliminated. Since one of our dogs, Murphy, is a Bichon, I have a rooting interest I suppose.
- Grey's Anatomy may be faced with some cast changes next season. Both Kathryn Heigl (Izzy) and T.R. Knight (George) may leave the show at the end of the season. Last year, Heigl accused writers of not writing enoungh good material for her. There's a woman who knows how to make friends.
- WEB BONUS MATERIAL: A woman from England wanted to go to Costa Rica on vacation, but wound up being sent by a travel agent to Puerto Rico. Upon landing in San Juan, the woman discovered the travel agency had messed up the airport codes. Here's a hint: Notice that before you get on the plane.
- WEB BONUS MATERIAL II: If you are a fan of classic TV shows, CBS has what you are Jonesing for.
- WEB BONUS MATERIAL III: There's a new cocktail sweeping the nation, inspired by pilot Chesley Sullenberger, the US Airways captain that landed his crippled plane in New York's Hudson River. Called "the Sulley", it's two shots of Grey Goose with a splash of water. Seriously.
2/10/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- Tonight's episode of "Leverage" on TNT is more like a Star Trek reunion.
- Sad news for fans of the TV soap "One Life to Live". Phil Carey, the wicked Asa Buchanan, has passed away at 83.
- That pizza restaurant owner in Florida who beat up a customer who complained about a calzone? He's actually a mob informer who was in the witness protection program. This totally sounds like an episode of "In Plain Sight", a show about the witness protection program on USA network that stars Mary McCormick.
- Here are some more peanut products which are being recalled because they might be tainted.
2/9/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- "Hello 911? I have a thirst emergency!"
- The annual Grammy Awards were held last night. Personally, I think Jason Maraz got jobbed by John Meyer, but I've never been good at picking these things. Here's who got the hardware.
- "Dancing with the Stars" returns for another season on ABC. Here are some of the stars you will be seeing in this incarnation.
2/8/09-Here are a couple of items involving McDonald's.
- McDonald's is now testing a Big Map Wrap, which is two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles on a FLOUR TORTILLA. Princess and I had it for lunch on Friday. Honestly, it's probably if you are looking for something to eat while driving, but the tortillia doesn't hold the sauce very well. I think I prefer the bun. E-mail me with your thoughts.
- If you are Jonesing for a "McRib", you can find one using this handy, dandy McRib locator.
2/6/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- Famed songstress Etta James pulled no punches on her feelings about Beyonce. James was furious that Beyonce sang her signature song "At Last" as the President and Mrs. Obama celebrated , their first dance in office. Etta went as far as saying she wanted to kick Beyonce's (butt.) Here's the audio, straight from the horse (okay, maybe horse isn't a good word to use in a story about Etta James.)
- Celbrities behaving badly include Carlos Mencia who will no longer be participating in the Mardi Gras parade because of insensitive comments about Hurrican Katrina victims. And, Olympic hero Michael Phelps who has been suspended for three months by USA swimming and dropped by his sponsor Kellogg's for a picture of him smoking pot which appeared in a British tabloid (and has been widely circulated on the internet.) No truth to the rumor that Phelps will be signing endorsement deals with Twinkies and Frito Lay.
- President Bush's chief of staff Andy Card thinks President Obama should wear his jacket in the oval office. Card says the President's habit of working without his jacket on is a sign of disprespect to the office. If Barach Obama can get the economy going again, stop foreclosures, straighten out the banks and bring peace to Iraq, then I don't care if he likes to work in the buff.
2/5/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- If you are concerned about your credit, you'd better read these six new credit protocols that go into effect today.
- CBS is planning a spin-off of it's popular proceedural NCIS. Some of the new cast members were announced yesterday. If you watch Grey's Anatomy or you are a fan of rap music, you will recognize at least one of the names.
- You can cancel that trip to the electronics store for a digital box for your TV for the moment. Congress has rolled back the deadline for digital TV until June 12th. If all of your tubes are hooked up to cable or satellite, you have nothing to worry about.
2/4/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- Denny's restaurants were overrun with people wanting to cash in on their promise of a free "grand slam" breakfast yesterday. In some cases, rainchecks were issued and in others, people who had waited in line for over two hours were told the promotion was over and to go home.
- American Idol cut 43 people last night in Hollywood. Some of them begged and pleaded, but there is no bending,
the judges. Especially Simon. He should have been a cop issuing speeding violations! - Ty Toys has stopped production, distribution and sales of their new Beanie Babies named after first kids Sasha and Malia Obama. It comes after Michelle Obama and the White House lodged a strong protest. It shows you what a good parent Michelle Obama is. You try dealing with a ten year-old and a seven year-old who have dolls named after them.
2/3/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- In the US, we go to the grocery store and buy milk, bread and TP prior to a snow storm. Not so much in Britain.
- Number one at the box office last weekend was the new Liam Neeson thriller, "Taken." Paul Blart: Indoor Shopping Complex Cop" fell to second.
- Here's a great story.&, nbsp; A grandpa from Indiana filled the bed of his pick up truck with snow and drove it down to Georgia so his grandchildren could make snow men. Awesome, dude!
2/2/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- That was some big game yesterday. Here's some facts about it that you can amaze your co-workers with.
- The heaviest snow in 20 years has gridlocked Britian. Between that and what we've had here in Wisconsin, Al Gore is inconsolable.
- The best part of the big game for some are the commercials. Here are some of the best. And the worst. And another general opinion.
- There are some more food recalls. First, a recall on many peanut products, including my beloved Walgreen's chocolate covered peanuts. And, some mushrooms are also being recalled. If they start recalling ice cream, I may have to go hungry for a few days.