6/30/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- An autopsy yesterday concluded that TV pitchman Billy Mays died of a heart attack. Advertising experts mourn his passing by calling him a "next door neighbor Burt Reynolds."
- Getting help in the ER isn't always easy. Here are some tips to get it quickly (besides of course screaming at some poor nurse.)
- Don't look now, but your local post office could be going out of business.
6/29/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- A man in New York got his gas bill, which was usually around $10, and it was $280,000. That's enough to heat 130 homes for a year. The gas company recognized the mistake and is sending him a new bill.
- There may be a catalog of up to 100 songs that Michael Jackson never released that you may hear very soon.
- But wait there's more! Another celebrity death as pitchman Billy Mays passes away at 50.
6/28/09-NASA has discovered some new, never been seen footage of the first moon landing. It's a lot clearer than some of the footage we saw at the time or have seen.
6/26/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
Some personal thoughts on the passing of Michael Jacks, on and Farrah Fawcett:
- It's been sort of a surreal show this morning due to the deaths of two huge pop icons. Honestly, I knew Farrah wasn't going to be around much longer, but Michael Jackson was a stunner as I'm sure it was to most people.
- Every man my age had one of those Farrah posters hanging in their room as a kid.
- Farrah turned her entire perception around when she starred in a TV movie called "The Burning Bed." It was such a riveting performance, many people realized she wasn't just another vapid pin up girl. Women really began to respect her as that movie was about spousal abuse.
- While Hollywood relationships come and go, her many years with Ryan O'Neil was special.
- Michael Jackson was raised from birth to be an entertainer. Anyone under that kind of pressure is bound to grow up a little strange. Okay, maybe not as strange as he was, but a bit strange. Regardless of what you thought of the plastic surgery and the accusations with his relationships with kids, the man had talent. When you listen to his music, you tap , your feet and snap your fingers and are uplifted by it, which is exactly what is supposed to happen. The 50's had Elvis, the '60's had the Beatles, the 70's had Elton John and the 80's had Michael Jackson.
- I had the great fortune to see Michael Jackson perform in concert. It was in 1988 at Madison Square Garden at a fundraiser for the UNCF. He was spectacular. The singing. The dancing. The presence. Nobody comes close to him live except maybe Bruce Springsteen. Michael was an awesome entertainer. That's how I'll remember him.
6/25/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- France has issued a set of chocolate scented stamps to celebrate the 400th anniversary of chocolate in France. One lick and you'll surrender.
- Wanting to know when your favorite CBS show will have first run episodes again? Here's when.
- A recent survey among Canadians who purchase items on the internet says the number one reason people abandon their on-line shopping carts is shipping charges that don't show up until the end of the transaction.
6/24/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- Johnny Depp was recently in Chicago for the opening of his new movie "Public Enemy." He and his entourage had dinner at Gibson's Steakhouse, a Chicago landmark. Depp made sure he tipped his waiter...to the tune of $4,000!
- When I was a kid, EVERYBODY watched the evening network news. Now, apparently, NOBODY watches it anymore.
- If you are a baby boomer, chances are you have abandoned or are considering abandoning Facebook.
6/23/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- The annual naked rugby game in new Zealand was interrupted by a streaker...who was fully clothed.
- Mama didn't take your Kodachrome away but Kodak is about to.
6/22/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- Who is that skateboarding down the halls of the White House? If you said Tony Hawk, you win.
- Pizza Hut is kind of changing it's name. Some stores will be rebranded with a sign calling it "The Hut." There will also be the deletion of the word "pizza" on most of the boxes. Pizza Hut has added a line of pastas which has led to the rebranding.
- A man fell off a roof, then crawled up a hill for 16 hours to call 911 for help and to call his employer to tell him he wouldn't be in for a few days. This dude should get the employee of the month parking spot for a year in my book.
6/21/09-Happy Father's Day! I got a text message from my 19 year-old daughter this morning whishing me a happy father's day and that she would call me later. I got another one later saying she had too much homework and she'd call me Monday. My life has turned into "Cats in the Cradle."
6/19/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- Inventor John Joseph Houghtailing has passed away at the age of 93. He's the man who invented the vibrating "Magic Fingers" bed made famous in the movie "Vacation"
- It's a mixed bag for fans of Grey's Anatomy. George apparently didn't survive getting hit by a bus, but Izzie will return for another season.
- You've heard of the SPORK but have you heard of the KNORK?
6/18/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- Happy International Sushi Day! Because, that's how we roll!
- Here are some restaurant menu tricks of the trade that get you to order more expensive dishes or house specialties. Now that you've cracked the code, perhaps you'll save some money!
- There was a , , young Prez who swatted a fly. I don't know why he swatted the fly. I guess it will die. And really tick off PETA.
6/17/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- A MARTA train conductor in Atlanta was suspended three days after he was photographed text messaging while operating a train. How many times do we have to remind you: If you tweet, don't drive.
- The Mayor of Toledo Ohio is standing by parking tickets written by perhaps overzealious employeees. It seems there is a law against parking on non-paved surfaces...even if that suface is your driveway. Several townfolk have received the tickets for parking on their unpaved gravel driveways.
- Sad news, one of the biggest names in the entertainment business may be haging it up. That's right, the beloved "Famous Chicken" who has entertained folks at sporting events for over 35 years may be retiring. At this point, it's only speculation be, cause,
the chicken says his chicken lips are sealed.
6/16/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- A man who was getting ready for work as a security guard was holstering his gun when it went off, shooting himself in the buttocks. Surely now Andy will make Barney put the bullet in his pocket.
- A moose created quite a situation when it was found hanging out in the parking lot at Saratoga racetrack in New York. No word on whether he bet the trifecta.
- A Polish woman, who was declared dead by an EMT woke up after she was taken to the morgue. I wish I could sleep like that!
6/15/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- You heard about it. You read about it. You saw it all over TV. It was extended four months. Yet somehow, some people didn't get the memo on the conversion to digital TV.
- A sign the economy is poor and people are trying new things is evidenced by the growing number of Mary Kay, Tupperware and Pampered Ch, ef salespeople.
- A man in Memphis may owe his life to digital TV.
6/12/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- A man in Minnesota had his house foreclosed on and boarded up. Unfortunately, he was still inside while it was being boarded up.
- Working at the White House is cool. Just look who drops by for lunch.
- Congress is encouraging the FCC to pass a law regulating the volume of commericals. The law, if enacted would force Billy Mays to speak in an "indoor voice."
6/11/09-Her, e's what we talked about this morning:
- Heinz has invented the world's smallest microwave. It's called the "Beenzawave" and it is powered by the USB port in your computer. My "hotshot" is jealous.
- A recent poll showed the summer TV show most people couldn't wait to see was "Mad Men." Yesterday, AMC announced it will be back for it's third season on August 16th. There will also be a "Mad men Marathon: on August 10.
6/10/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- If you like to wear "High Karate" or "Channel #5", please tone it down. Some people think it's as bad (if not worse) than second hand smoke.
- Today's cool invention:Ice Cream that doesn't melt.
6/9/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- Can't wait to find out the sex of your baby? New Intelligender can predict the sex with 80% accuracy in the privacy of your own home. They do say to confirm it with a sonogram later.
- A 72 year-old grandmother was clocked doing 60 in a 45mph zone. She protested the ticket to the point where the cops tasered her. Cops claimed they were concerned about her combative behavior.
- If you think the person in the cube next to you has some bad habits at work, check out the 10 worst work habits.
6/8/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- A Milwaukee man was in a convenience store and found he was $.20 short for a pack of cigarettes. While he went to his car, another man came in and tried to rob the joint. Upon returning to the store, the man fought with the robber, subduing him. After a struggle, the robber escaped by the man was successful foiling the robbery.
- A woman who had a winning ticket in the Austrailian lottery didn't realize that she had it for ten months. By the way, it was worth ten million dollars. That's a lot of vegimite.
- WEB BONUS MATERIAL: I thought this was funny in a Mad Magazine sort of way, so if you are offended in any way, I apologize. What if God would have texted the Ten Commandments?
6/5/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
,- The oldest serving police officer in the country has passed away at the age of 84. Manuel Curry was a New Orleans police officer for 63 years. He also fought on the beaches of Normandy in WWII.
- A woman was rejected by a travel website for what the site termed "an illegal entry" in her application. It turned out to be her name: Janet Butt.
- In an effort to curb teen smoking, an activist group wants movies where smoking occurs rated "R".
6/4/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- A judge in California has dismissed a lawsuit from a consumer who says she was misled. It seems she purchased a box of Cap, tain Crunch with Crunchberries, only to discover that a "curnchberry" wasn't really a fruit. Wow. I hope she doesn't switch to Lucky Charms.
- An enterprising Washington DC high school student called the White House, got the FAX number and sent Michelle Obama a letter asking her to address the school's graduation. The first lady has agreed. Meanwhile, in unrelated news, The President says Fred Armisen's impression of him is getting better but that the ears need to be bigger.
- Forbes has released its' list of the most powerful celebrities.&nb, sp; Your top five? Angelina Jolie, Oprah. Madonna, Beyounce and Tiger Woods.
6/3/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- If you ever wanted to take a cruise with Paula Deen and her family, you are in luck. The "Paula Deen Food Lover's Cruise" departs in late January. We hear the lifeboats are made of butter.
- In his short time in the White House, President Barack Obama has shown he is quite the sports fan. The President, who plays basketball as part of his fitness plan, is officially picking the LA Lakers to win the NBA championship. Thus far, the President is 2 for 2 in his championship picking as he correctly picked the Steelers to win the Super Bowl and North Carolina to win the NCAA basketball championship.
- It seems like everyday the medical industry is comin, g up , , with a new malady. Their latest effort? Cell phone elbow.
6/2/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- What man did British women most want to see made into a smoothie? Daniel Craig, a.k.a. James Bond was the winner in a survey conducted by Del Monte. Certainly, this is one smoothie that will be shaken, not stirred.
- Looking to share a summer home? Surprisingly, more people want to share one with Kelly Ripa than Oprah. In , a recent poll, Kelly Ripa finished first, the Obamas finished second and Brad and Angelina third. I never thought I'd see the day that Oprah would finish fourth at anything.
- Conan O'Brien began a new era last night on the "Tonight Show." Reviews, as you may have guessed, were mixed. NBC probably isn't too worried-It took Jay Leno a few years to overtake David Letterman and no doubt Conan will be around longer than the 61 year-old Dave.
6/1/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- Sad news this morning. The last survivor of the Titanic, Millvina Dean has died at 97. She was nine weeks old when the great ship sank in 1912.
- Here's a celebrity feudyou , would have never thought of: Bob Barker vs. Betty White. Both are animal activists and apparently crossed swords over a zoo elephant several years ago. Perhaps a showdown like the classic scene in "Happy Gillmore" is in order.
- Saturday was a tough day for songstress Susan Boyle. After finishing second on "Britain's Got Talent", she was rushed to a clinic with exhaustion. She became so big in Britian, even the Prime Minister called Simon to find out how she did.