7/31/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- A man in New Jersey had an old bank account without any recent activity. Instead of cleaning it out himself, he was changed a $12 month inactivity fee, which eventually cleaned the a, c, count out for him. He's looking for a new bank. Always read the fine print!
- British employers who have more than 11 parking spaces in their lot, will be taxed. They can, in turn, pass the tax along to their employees. Can you imagine having to pay to park in a company lot?
- While there is little chance the cast of "Seinfeld" will reunite on network TV, there is a pretty good chance they will on Larry David's "Curb Your Enthusiasm" on HBO.
7/30/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- Nine elderly men (ages 69-90) from Virginia will pose nude for a chairity calendar. No word yet if it will be sponsored by Cialis. My dad is 86 and I would gladly donate to chairty just to prevent him from posing naked.
- The Swedish Tax Agency has rejected a couple's request to name their new baby girl "Michael" after Michael Jackson. Apparently, people at the naming bureau never watched "The Waltons."
- Ladies, here's what not to wear to work.
7/28/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- It's a tough economy, so tough that in an effort to improve s, ales, Dov Charney, CEO of American Apparel is firing those people he deems too ugly to work there. Good thing he doesn't won radio stations or there would be no employees left.
- A woman in Britain was carded while trying to buy a pizza cutter. Yeah, you detach that little wheel and it makes a wicked Asian Star...not.
- A drunk man decided to check into a motel to sleep it off. So he pulled into what he thought was a motel to get a room. He got a room alright. In the pokey. Because he had mistaken a Sheriff's substation for a motel. No breakfast buffet for you!
- Stopping for a meal at Denny's may make your stomach happy, but may send your blood pressure through the roof. A new study shows that Denny's food is very high in salt.
- Your local Starbuck's may soon have a new name. That's because the coffee chain is dropping it's corporate name and re-naming some of their shops which reflect a more local flavor.
- Happy 30th birthday to the McDonald's Happy Meal.
7/24/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- Looking to live in a place where the homes are affordable? Try Duncanville Texas or any of the other 24 towns on CNN Momey's list of towns that have affordable homes.
- Short people got no reason to live. A new study shows that taller men make more money than shorter men. This explains why Chris Logan makes twice as much as I do.
- Adults forget three things a day. Just three?
7/23/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- A woman in North Carolina had some jade pieces given to her by her father lying around, so she brought them to a taping of "Antique Road Show." Turns out, they are worth $1 million.
- A Denver cop is in hot grease after pulling his gun to speed up his breakfast order at McDonald's. Who among us ha, sn't wished we could have done that once?
- Another celebrity has left us. Gidget, famed spokesdog for Taco Bell, has passed away at the age of 15.
7/22/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- Times are so tough families are havi, ng a tough time burying dead relatives.
- There's a new I-phone app that allows you to send your prayers into cyberspace. I just hope God has an AT&T phone.
- Here's the top 10 most dangerous foods to eat while driving. Try not to do both, especially when I'm on the road around you.
7/21/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- A couple met online and after dating for a while, decided to get married. That's normally not newsworth, except in this case where both parties are named Kelly Hildebrandt. I wonder if she plans on keeping her name.
- Fans of the cartoon "Futurerama" were thrilled to know that the show was going to go back into production. However, a dispute between the voice actors (in, cluding Katey Sagal) may f, ind producers replacing them with sound alikes.
7/20/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- Paula Abdul's new manager says that she may not be back on "American Idol." If course, with Simon and Ryan getting fat new contracts, he could just be posturing to get his client more money. In fact, I'd bet that's exactly what he's doing.
- Forty years ago today, in an apartment building in the suburbs of Chicago, four neighboring families set up a TV in the backyard (no cable or converter box required) and watched what is still the coolest thing I have ever seen...Neil Armstrong coming down the ladder and walking on the moon. With all of the cool toys we have now, it may not seem like much, but then it was incredible. OMG, I am channeling my father, aren't I?
- The man who anchored the coverage of the first moon walk as well as the JFK assassination, the Viet Nam War, Watergate and everything in between passed away over the weekend at 92. Uncle Walter was a frequent visitor in our home and in homes across America. Before there was CNN, Fox News and MSNBC, Walter Cronkite was one of three nightly choices you had for nightly news. Rarely did he let you down.
7/17/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- A new study says people who drive hybrids get more tickets and get in more accidents. Just because your car runs on sunshine doesn't mean you are bullet proof.
- Add "playing in beach sand" to those things which could be bad for you.
- Everyone loves ice cream. Maybe just not these ice creams.
7/16/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
- Sonia Sotomayor underwent some tough questioning from the senate yesterday. Like "What was the only case Perry Mason ever lost?" While the judge couldn't,
remember, I can tell you that it was the fifth season opener "The Case of the Deadly Verdict" which Mason technically lost, but won later on appeal when it was discovered someone else had done the murder. - If you are looking for a job, here's six signs that the job you may have found may be a scam.
- Looking for cranky people? Then you need to visit Rhode Island.
- If you have a sports fan at your house, cut them some slack today. Today is commonly known as the most uneventful in sports, the only day major sports leagues do not have a game scheduled. Many sports fanatics are known to sit in a corner and suck their thumb.
- The weather channel has replaced the smooth jazz you've always heard on the 8's with rock and roll.
- Happy 10th Anniversary to Sponge Bob SquarePants.
- We told you last week of a possible MacGyver movie. Now comes word that several remake, s are in the works. The list includes "The Karate Kid", "T.J. Hooker", and the 60's western "The Big Valley." I'm holding out for the big screen version of "My Mother The Car" and "Mr. Terrific."
- Talk show host/celebrity cook/dog food pitchwoman Rachel Ray has finally been silenced. She's recovering from vocal chord surgery. Yummo!
- A robber in Alabama was foiled by a convenience store clerk wielding a cricket bat. Where exactly do you get a cricket bat in Alabama?
- AAA says be ready for lots and lots of road work this summer. Those traveling I-43 North from Waldo to WI 42 can certainly attest to that.
- Burger King wants to offer a $1 double cheeseburger to compete better with the golden arches. Franchisees apparently aren't interested saying it bites into their margins.
- In Connecticut, you can now provide a living trust for your pet so Butkus, Murphy and Kit, ty can be cared for after you go on to your great reward.
- An airline passenger volunteered his engineering skills to help fix a mechanical problem aboard a plane that was delayed at an airport. The man successfully made the repair, allowing the plane to arrive only 35 minutes late. No word as to whether he stayed the previous night at a Holiday Inn Express.
- Because of the tragic expolsion at America's only Slim Jim factory, Americans are facing a shortage of Slim Jims.
- Tired of cliches when you go out to eat? Here are nine phrases that should be banned from restaurant menus.
- Why wait until the last minute when you can start you Christmas shopping now?
- WEB BONUS MATERIAL: I want to go on record on this day as saying this is a bad idea.
- The original car from the movie "Chitti Chitti Bang Bang" has been denied participation in a parade in Britian because it does not have a property Ministry of Transport inspection certificate. Officials will allow the car in if it is hauled on top of a flat bed truck. I wonder if it would be okay if the car just flew.
- Your credit card company keeps a profile of you and your purchases which could affect your ability to get credit in the future. Here are some things you shouldn't buy with your credit card.
- A musician named Dave Carroll had a $3,500 guitar mangled by United Airlines in 2008. All of his requests for compensation were denied, so Dave did what he does and wrote a song about it. The song got on You Tube and guess what? Dave got his satisfaction.
- Yet another celebrity leaves us and this is no bologna. Oscar G. Meyer has passed away at the age of 95. If I were him, I would stipulate in my will that the wienermobile take me to my final resting place.
- A woman in suburban Chicago not once, but twice, had her car covered in Bar-B-Que sauce and pickles. Police think the vandal is a woman who has an interest in the victim's boyfriend. In an unrelated story, a truck carrying 9,000 pounds of Chinese food was rear ended on a Chicago expressway, spilling its' contents all over the road. No word whether it spilled an hour later.
- This is sad. I remember the first moon landing like it was yesterday as it was the m, ost historically significant moment of my life. However, my memory is a lot better than other people who, in a survey, thought the first man to walk on the moon was Buzz Lightyear. Or Louis Armstrong. You can't make this stuff up.
- The Sci Fi channel has rebranded itself as "SYFY." The people say that Sci Fi was a genre not a brand, but others say it may go down in history with New Coke as fixing something that wasn't broken in the first place.
- An historic doughnut shop in Michigan was about to go under when it was rescued by the entire town of Clare police force. Chief Wiggum nods in approval. They do have some cool t-shirts.
- The man who tortured you with the "Rubik's Cube" back in the day has returned to mess with your head again.
- The Wisconsin Cheese lady got married over the weekend.
- If you still don't wear your seatbelt when you drive, be prepared to be boarded.
- A man in New Jersey was knocked over in his driveway and had his Italian Hogie stolen by a bear. Yogi and Boo Bo, o are being sought for questioning.
- A man busted with 54.3 grams of esctasy claimed it was flour for his pork chops. BAM!
- Michael Jackson will be memorialized in two ceremonies at the Staples Center in LA on Tuesday. In addition, Fox will re-air his 1991 appearance on "The Simpsons" Sunday night at 7.
- Billy Mays may be gone, but he's not done pitching Mighty Putty. His widow has agreed to continue running his commercials beginning next week.
- Now that he is a U.S. Senator, no doubt Al Franken (D-Minnesota) will be subject to the same comedy treatment he gave others (like former Illinois Senator Paul Simon) on Saturday Night Live. Franken says Fred Armisen would be his choice to play him.
- Michael Jackson will not be buried at Neverland Ranch as it is against California law to bury someone at a residence. Burial plans at this point are still up in the air.
- Michael's former BFF Bubbles probaby will wtch the funeral on TV. Now 26, Bubbles lives at an animal sanctuary in Florida.
- The hits just keep on coming on the celebrity death parade. Passing yesterday was academy award winning character actor and American Express pitchman Karl Malden at 97 and the man best known for his role as the father-in-law in the wacky movie "Fargo", Harve Presnell at 75.
- The Sears Tower now has something for those with a cast iron stomach. They've opened a ledge outside the103rd floor observation deck where you can step out and take in the view. Just don't look down.
- Jerry Springer finally realizes something about his show that most sane people have known for a while.
- If you are concerned about global warming, change your will to specifiy you will be taken to your final reward in a Prius Hearse.
- A burgler in England got more than he bargained for when he tried to rob the house of a retired boxer.
7/15/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
7/14/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
7/13/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
7/10/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
7/9/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
7/8/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
7/7/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
7/6/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
7/4/09-Thanks to everyone at the St Nicholas Freedom Run for having Lake 98.1 out today. We had a blast!
7/3/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:
7/2/09-He, re's what we talked about this morning:
7/1/09-Here's what we talked about this morning: