About The Lake 98.1 Morning Show

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Mobile, Alabama, United States
Chip Ramsey is the former host of the Lake 98.1 morning show
Over the course of his almost five years at Lake 98.1, Chip wrote a daily blog. This is an archive of those blogs.
Chip is now Program Director of WNSP, Mobile, AL

Monday, July 5, 2010

09/09 Archive

9/30/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

9/29/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

9/28/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

  • Some poor person with a g-mail account was accidentally sent a sensitive spread sheet by a bak employee. A judge has ruled that the account must be suspended until the spreadsheet can be retrieved. Hopefully, the person sent the spread sheet has more than one e-mail , account.
  • News from Hollywood: We're a week into the new TV season and we already have a cancelation: The CW has pulled the plug on "The Beautiful Life." And, the USA Network confirms mass changes in the cast of "Law & Order: Criminal Intent." Leaving the show are cast members Vincent D'Onofrio, Kathryn Erbe, Eric Bogosian and Julianne Nicholson. Saffron Burrows will be joining the cast.
  • If you stayed up late Saturday Night, you may have heard some&nbs, p;harsh language on "Saturday Night Live" as cast member Jenny Slate let loose an "f-bomb." This is hardly the first time this has happened on SNL. Here are a few more salty moments.

9/25/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

  • A prisoner in Iowa has been granted a special release...to attend a baseball game. I thought prison was about being DENIED privledges.
  • Actor/Commercial Voice Over Artist Randy Quaid and his wife have been arrested after skipping out on a $10,000 hotel bill. Quaid claims that Clark Griswold was supposed to pick up the tab.
  • Miley Cyrus had one of the most exclusive restaurants shut down for a private after concert party. Miley didn't want to have to dea, l with the public, so she bought all 100 seats at Katsuya. No telling what it cost, but to someone as successful as Miley, it was probably like you and I holding a party at Chucky Cheese.
  • Some ad guy in Milwaukeethinks the Packers logo needs an upgrade. Yeah, right after we redo the American flag. . .

9/24/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

9/23/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

9/22/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

  • The home of the original Caesar salad has closed it's doors for good. The Caesar Restaurant in Tijuana, Mexico, tossed its last bowl of romaine last week. The first Caesar salad was constructed in the 1920's when an Italian immigrant named Caesar Cardini was trying to put some leftovers to use. The salad is named after him and not Julius Caesar or Caesar Milan.
  • Looking for something expensive to snack on? Try the new , White Truffle cupcake at More Cupcakes in Chicago. They only cost $75 a cupcake.
  • Lots of great TV premiers last night. New episodes last night included a two hour episode of "House", "Heroes", "Castle" and of course, "Dancing with the Stars." Tonight, DWTS continues while "NCIS", "NCIS: Los Angeles", "Hell's Kitchen" and "The Biggest Loser" have new shows.

9/21/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

9/18/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

9/17/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

  • We've lost a trio of famous Americans in the last 24 hours. Henry Gibson, who was a member of the cast of Laugh In and in later years a wonderfully gifted character actor on shows like "Boston Legal" was 73. Mary Travers, the Mary in Peter, Paul and Mary was 72. PP &M was a 60's folk froup that hat a huge hit with
    "Puff the Magic Dragon." And, Myles Brand, the President of the NCAA has passed at 67. Brand was a hero to nerds everywhere when he stood up to the bully who kept taking his lunch money, Bob Knight, and fired him as Indiana's basketball coach.
  • Martha Stewart has inked a deal wi, th Home Depot. You'll be able to buy her patio furniture there. Her deal with K-Mart expires in January.
  • Burt Reynolds is in rehab due to his dependence on pain killers.

9/16/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

9/15/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

9/14/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

9/11/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

  • A bear in Colorado has become an expert at breaking into cars. The Ranger is not going to like this, Yogi.
  • "Saturday Night Live" will introduce two new cast members this fall.
  • Not everyone is happy that Ellen is the newest judge on "American Idol." Take Paula Abdul for instance.
  • WEB BONUS MATERIAL: Today is the eighth anniversary of 911. I don't know what you were doing, but I spent mine in an editing studio for seven hours cutting sound bytes for local coverage and didn't even know what was going on (I couldn't watch TV). It was a strange day. And, I hope it never, ever happens again.

9/10/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

9/9/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

Murphy A. Dogg-He's three!

9/8/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

9/7/09-Today we celebrate Lab, or day with a tribute to the Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon. Princess and I watched a little bit last night and I've got to tell you, Jerry looked pretty good for a guy who is almost 84. And the work that he's done over the years has been extraor, dinary.

9/4/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

9/3/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

  • Consumer news: If you enjoy Eggo Buttermilk waffels for breakfast, Kellogg's is recalling some product because of Listeria. For exact UPC numbers, click here. Also, have you noticed how long your receipts are getting, even when you only buy a couple of items? Many stores are using them for marketing purposes like coupons or to announce sales. There is no truth to the rumor that the stores are trying to make receipts hard to put in your wallet, thus making losing them easier to prevent you from returning things.
  • <, LI>
    What is the most anticipated returning fall show this upcoming TV season? NCIS tops TV Guide's list. For me, besides, NCIS, I'm looking for forward to "Bones", "Cold Case" and "Castle".
  • Katherine Heigel won't be complaining about the 17 hour days on the set of "Grey's Anatomy." That's because she'll miss five episodes while shooting her latest movie. Her absence will over lap with co-star Ellen Pompeo's maternity leave, so Seattle grace may be understaffed for a while!

9/2/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

  • How powerful is Oprah? Only Oprah could get the Magnificent Mile shutdown for three days so she could tape a show.
  • A woman in Indiana, Pennsylvania was cited by law enforcement for cursing at her 10 year-old daughter. Indiana, Pennsylvania is the hometown of screen legend Jimmy Stewart, by the way.
  • In what may be a scene out of "Boston Lega, l" or "Raising the Bar", a judge in Ohio grew tired of a defendant disrupting his courtroom so he ordered the baliff to shut the man up...by duct taping his mouth. David E. Kelley and Stephen Bochco are both racing to their typewriters even as we speak.

9/1/09-Here's what we talked about this morning: