About The Lake 98.1 Morning Show

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Mobile, Alabama, United States
Chip Ramsey is the former host of the Lake 98.1 morning show
Over the course of his almost five years at Lake 98.1, Chip wrote a daily blog. This is an archive of those blogs.
Chip is now Program Director of WNSP, Mobile, AL

Monday, July 5, 2010

10/09 Archive

10/30/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

10/29/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

  • CNN Money has compiled a list of the most stressful, lowest paid jobs around. They include teachers, producers, new reporters, event coordinators, fund raisers and people who run assisted living centers. Mornng radio personalities are once again left off the list.
  • Have you seen the DirecTV ad with Chris Farley in it. Ever since Steve Martin did"Dead Man Don't Wear Plaid" I've always enjoyed the reani, mation (if you will) of dead people into a movie or commerical. The new DirecTV commercial is taking a lot of flak from people who find it offensive to the memory of Chris Farley, who, by the way, passed away twelve years ago. The Farley family doesn't agree, saying it honors his memory by making people laugh.

10/28/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

10/27/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

10/26/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

10/25/09-I had a great time this afternoon at Memorial Mall in Sheboygan with the annual "Boo Bash." There were some great costumes yesterday. Kudos to the families that dressed up as the "Wizard of Oz" and "Popeye, Olive Oyl and Sweet Pea." Thanks to all the folks that came out and we'll see you on November 21st when we wake up Santa!

10/23/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

10/22/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

10/21/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

10/20/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

  • If you are looking for a unique holiday gift for the person that has everything, give them the gift of bacon. Bacon soap. Now, each morning, your loved one can scrub themselves silly and smell like breakfast after.
  • A chef in Florida got a little str, , essed out at a waitress over an order for mozzarella caprese. There's a guy who needs to vary his diet.
  • British songstress Susan Boyle is in the hospital with stomach issues. They say she'll be just fine.

10/19/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

10/18/09-I was out with my new toy today...a pressure washer. It's the best $100 I ever spent. I never thought cleaning the deck would be so fun.

10/16/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

  • What's the wackiest musuem in the US? The Toilet Seat Museum in Texas. Keep a lid on it.
  • If you have a favorite new TV show that is in trouble, now is the time to let the networks how you feel. Here's how.
  • Did you see any of the cable coverage of "balloon boy" yesterday?. The good n, ews is while people worried about Falcon Heene, he was actually asleep in his attic. Never has such a hoax been as successful since Orson Wells "War of the World."

10/15/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

  • Songstress Barbra Streisand will be auctioning off memories of her career in an auction Saturday and Sunday. Proceeds will go to her foundation. Sorry, ladies. Jim Brolin isn't on the block.
  • What's the number one city in the world for riding bicycles? Madison, WI.
  • Police in Worland, WY responded to a report of an armed man with a gun standing on someone's front lawn. It turned out to be a cardboard cutout of John Wayne. The Duke was set up by the homeowners daughter as a prank. Well, gee whiz, Pilgrim.

10/14/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

  • The first lady of California isn't setting a good example for citizens. Despite the fact that the state requires handsfree cell phone operation while driving, Maria Shriver has failed to receive the memo and has had a few citations for being in violation of the law. The Gubernato, r is not amused. "Maria, I tell you now and remind you later, get off the phone!"
    <, /LI>
  • Marge Simpson, yes that Marge Simpson, will be on the November cover of Playboy and will be um, posing for the magazine in a three page spread. I guess Minnie Mouse and Jessica Rabbit turned them down.
  • The latest celebrity bounced from "Dancing With The Stars?" Ultimate Fighting champion Chuck Liddell.

10/13/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

10/12/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

  • If you use I-43 at night,you may have to find an alternate way to enter or exit the highway this week. The ramps at I-28 and I-42 will be closed for repaving between 6p-6a all this week.
  • What are some of the most dangerous foods you could eat? If you said a Big Mac, you are wrong. If you said lettuce, congratulations, you win a salad. Or an omlet. Or a tuna sandwich.
  • Here's my rant for today: I went to a grocery store last night , and got in the twenty items or less line. I make it a point to count my items so that I don't screw anyone over in line. The woman in front of me apparently didn't. That and she wrote a check. I bank by Internet and haven't written a check in at least five years. It took at least five extra minutes for me to get through the line because of an inconsiderate individual. At my age, that's a lifetime!

10/9/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

10/8/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

  • If you were planning on getting a new driver's license Monday, we have some bad news for you. DMV's across Wisconsin are closed due to a furlough day. It's also Columbus Day.
  • Foodies all over the world are mourning the death of Gourmet Magazine. Gourmet has been a staple of fine cooking since 1941.
  • If you really want to do something special on that next vacation, you could join the cruise that will celebrate the 100th anniversary voyage of the Titanic. The Titanic memorial cruise will depart South Hampton, England on April 8, 2012 and with any luck, not have the lengthy stop over the original did on April 14. You have plenty of time to save money for this trip, an inside cabin is priced at $3,900. Leo DiCaprio not included.

10/7/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

10/6/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

  • A Pizza Hut manager in Canada was arrested after throwing an elderly customer to the ground over a check dispute. The man returned the favor later that day when the manager walked on his lawn.
  • David Letterman apologized to just about everyone on his show last night. Dave's gotten some pretty good mileage out of the extortion plot against him,
  • Who was the big winner in the "Dancing with the Stars" that you didn't get to see last night (because of football)? Mya.

10/5/09-Here's what we talked about this morning:

10/2/09-Here's what we talked about:

10/1/09-Here's what we talked about this morning: